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Nature is our greatest treasure!

Together we can make a difference for ourselves and the future

Small hummingbird on a branchThe biodiversity of Earth is in grave danger today due to past and current human choices and actions.  But the future remains to be seen.  We can still change our choices and our actions to ensure the outcome for nature and us is not as bleak as current projections.

This page is a place for me to share some of the things that I am thinking and what I am personally doing to change our present course from disaster to restoration. I hope my thoughts and actions might give you some ideas for action, too.

Nature is remarkably resilient, given a chance.  And many humans are remarkably brilliant and hard-working.  Put these two positives together and the future can look bright.  But we have to take action now.

Let’s work on this together!

A Fighting Spirit

Striving for Better

Finding Hope

20 Effective Actions to Save Biodiversity

Coming soon…..

Native Plant Landscaping


Get Outdoors in Winter to Plan Your Summer Landscaping